
We’re here for enterprise

Do your employees build relationships? Do you want your company or sales team to take advantage of the most revolutionary business card ever? We have a corporate manager to make the transition to Card as easy as possible for you and your employees.

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How to optimize your attention for business by using a digital business card.

Do you need to send more info?

Maybe you’re a content creator, entrepreneur, or salesperson, who’s trying to do even more business, but are struggling to optimize new traffic to learn about everything you have to offer.

You’re feeling like there’s a better way to get others consistently immersed in what you have to offer, whether in person or online.

You fear that some of the traffic you do get may not convert, and you’re leaving some potential business on the table.

You know there’s a better way to get people immersed in everything you’re doing than just saying you'll send them a follow up email.

You want the people who find you to do business with you, not miss out on the value you provide.

This is for people who want to optimize their attention and leave no business on the table.

Up until now there hasn’t been a digital solution that maximizes your online ecosystem and content both online and in person.

We are providing a digital business card for people who want the best chance to send more info and do more business.

We are helping content creators and salespeople with the best digital business card that sits right on your lock screen and can be reached from a custom link.

Maybe you have a Twitter where you reach the most people, but a podcast on Spotify and a YouTube channel that show people how you can help them, with a website where people can purchase your products.

Make each impression count with a digital business card where people can fully immerse themselves in your online ecosystem.

Maybe you’re at an event and serendipitously meet someone who is the perfect customer.

You could just give them your number, but why not give them a chance to learn more about you on their own time?

You could bring a traditional paper business card, but those are often lost or thrown away.

Rather than simply giving them your number and hoping they maybe text you, give them your Card right from your iPhone Wallet, so the next time they open their phone they are immersed in what you have to offer.

With Card, you’ll always have unlimited business cards, and it'll be the best business card to do more business.

The people you encounter will instantly have access to your entire online ecosystem and will see the value you can provide them right away.

You can either stay in the loose systems you have now, or adopt a Card to optimize your traffic in all situations.

At scale, the effect is felt on your bottom line.

By adopting a Card, and increasing your conversion rates, your traffic will become significantly more valuable.

Card is for people who want to optimize their traffic and attention.

Card is simple, just sign up and get your Card for free, and premium is just $5.99 a month.

The longer you wait, the more traffic you won’t be optimizing, so sign up now and start doing more business.